Friday, June 14, 2013

1306.3100 (Kodai Yamamoto et al.)

Direct Imaging Search for Extrasolar Planets in the Pleiades    [PDF]

Kodai Yamamoto, Taro Matsuo, Hiroshi Shibai, Yoichi Itoh, Mihoko Konishi, Jun Sudo, Ryoko Tanii, Misato Fukagawa, Takahiro Sumi, Tomoyuki Kudo, Jun Hashimoto, Nobuhiko Kusakabe, Lyu Abe, Wolfgang Brandner, Timothy D. Brandt, Joseph Carson, Thayne Currie, Sebastian E. Egner, Markus Feldt, Miwa Goto, Carol Grady, Olivier Guyon, Yutaka Hayano, Masahiko Hayashi, Saeko Hayashi, Thomas Henning, Klaus Hodapp, Miki Ishii, Masanori Iye, Markus Janson, Ryo Kandori, Gillian R. Knapp, Masayuki Kuzuhara, Jungmi Kwon, Mike McElwain, Shoken Miyama, Jun-Ichi Morino, Amaya Moro-Martin, June Nishikawa, Tetsuo Nishimura, Tae-Soo Pyo, Eugene Serabyn, Hiroshi Suto, Ryuji Suzuki, Michihiro Takami, Naruhisa Takato, Hiroshi Terada, Christian Thalmann, Daigo Tomono, Edwin L. Turner, John Wisniewski, Makoto Watanabe, Toru Yamada, Hideki Takami, Tomonori Usuda, Motohide Tamura
We carried out an imaging survey for extrasolar planets around stars in the Pleiades (125 Myr, 135 pc) in the $H$ and $K_{S}$ bands using HiCIAO combined with the adaptive optics, AO188, on the Subaru telescope. We found 13 companion candidates fainter than 14.5 mag in the $H$ band around 9 stars. Five of these 13 were confirmed to be background stars by measurement of their proper motion. One was not found in the second epoch observation, and thus was not a background or companion object. One had multi-epoch image, but the precision of its proper motion was not sufficient to conclude whether it was background object. Four other candidates are waiting for second epoch observations to determine their proper motion. Finally, the remaining 2 were confirmed to be 60 $M_{J}$ brown dwarf companions orbiting around HD 23514 (G0) and HII 1348 (K5) respectively, as had been reported in previous studies. In our observations, the average detection limit for a point source was 20.3 mag in the $H$ band beyond 1''.5 from the central star. On the basis of this detection limit, we calculated the detection efficiency to be 90% for a planet with 6 to 12 Jovian masses and a semi-major axis of 50--1000 AU. For this we extrapolated the distribution of planet mass and semi-major axis derived from RV observations and adopted the planet evolution model of Baraffe et al. (2003). As there was no detection of a planet, we estimated the frequency of such planets to be less than 17.9% ($2\sigma$) around one star of the Pleiades cluster.
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