Tuesday, January 24, 2012

1201.4388 (Markus Janson et al.)

Infrared Non-detection of Fomalhaut b -- Implications for the Planet Interpretation    [PDF]

Markus Janson, Joe Carson, David Lafreniere, David Spiegel, John Bent, Palmer Wong

1201.4395 (Scott J. Kenyon et al.)

Coagulation Calculations of Icy Planet Formation at 15--150 AU: A Correlation Between the Maximum Radius and the Slope of the Size Distribution for Transneptunian Objects    [PDF]

Scott J. Kenyon, Benjamin C. Bromley

1201.4483 (Jérémy Leconte et al.)

A new vision on giant planet interiors: the impact of double diffusive convection    [PDF]

Jérémy Leconte, Gilles Chabrier

1201.4637 (A. Lecavelier des Etangs)

Evaporation of extrasolar planets    [PDF]

A. Lecavelier des Etangs

1201.4794 (Shiho Kobayashi et al.)

Ejection and Capture Dynamics in Restricted Three-Body Encounters    [PDF]

Shiho Kobayashi, Yanir Hainick, Re'em Sari, Elena M. Rossi