Friday, March 1, 2013

1302.6920 (L. Iorio)

A possible new test of general relativity with Juno    [PDF]

L. Iorio
The expansion in multipoles of the gravitational potential of a rotating body affects the orbital motion of a test particle orbiting it with long-term perturbations both at a classical and at a relativistic level. In this preliminary sensitivity analysis, we show that, for the first time, the J2 c^-2 effects could be measured by the ongoing Juno mission in the gravitational field of Jupiter during its yearlong science phase (10 November 2016-5 October 2017) thanks to its high eccentricity (e=0.947) and to the huge oblateness of Jupiter (J2=1.47 10^-2). The semi-major axis a and the perijove \omega\ of Juno are expected to be shifted by \Delta a =700-900 m and \Delta\omega = 50-60 milliarcseconds, respectively, over 1-2 yr. A numerical analysis shows also that the expected J2c^-2 range-rate signal for Juno should be as large as 280 microns per second during a typical 6 h pass at its closest approach. Independent analyses previously performed by other researchers about the measurability of the Lense-Thirring effect showed that the radio science apparatus of Juno should reach an accuracy in Doppler range-rate measurements of 1-5 microns per second over such passes. The range-rate signature of the classical even zonal perturbations is different from the 1PN one. Thus, further investigations, based on covariance analyses of simulated Doppler data and dedicated parameters estimation, are worth of further consideration. It turns out that the J2 c^-2 effects cannot be responsible of the flyby anomaly in the gravitational field of the Earth. A dedicated spacecraft in a 6678 km X 57103 km polar orbit would experience a geocentric J2 c^-2 range-rate shift of 0.4 mm s^-1.
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