Friday, January 6, 2012

1201.1036 (C. Mordasini et al.)

Extrasolar planet population synthesis IV. Correlations with disk metallicity, mass and lifetime    [PDF]

C. Mordasini, Y. Alibert, W. Benz, H. Klahr, T. Henning
Context. This is the fourth paper in a series showing the results of planet population synthesis calculations. Aims. Our goal in this paper is to systematically study the effects of important disk properties, namely disk metallicity, mass and lifetime on fundamental planetary properties. Methods. For a large number of protoplanetary disks we calculate a population of planets with our core accretion formation model including planet migration and disk evolution. Results. We find a large number of correlations: Regarding the planetary initial mass function, metallicity, disk mass and disk lifetime have different roles: For high [Fe/H], giant planets are more frequent. For high disk masses, giant planets are more massive. For long disk lifetimes, giant planets are both more frequent and massive. At low metallicities, very massive giant planets cannot form, but otherwise giant planet mass and metallicity are uncorrelated. In contrast, planet masses and disk gas masses are correlated. The sweet spot for giant planet formation is at 5 AU. In- and outside this distance, higher planetesimals surface densities are necessary. Low metallicities can be compensated by high disk masses, and vice versa, but not ad infinitum. At low metallicities, giant planets only form outside the ice line, while at high metallicities, giant planet formation occurs throughout the disk. The extent of migration increases with disk mass and lifetime and usually decreases with metallicity. No clear correlation of metallicity and the semimajor axis of giant planets exists because in low [Fe/H] disks, planets start further out, but migrate more, whereas for high [Fe/H] they start further in, but migrate less. Close-in low mass planets have a lower mean metallicity than Hot Jupiters. Conclusions. The properties of protoplanetary disks are decisive for the properties of planets, and leave many imprints.
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