Tuesday, December 20, 2011

1112.4168 (Lorenzo Iorio)

Constraining the angular momentum of the Sun with planetary orbital motions and general relativity    [PDF]

Lorenzo Iorio
The angular momentum of a star is an important astrophysical quantity related to its internal structure, formation and evolution. On average, helioseismology yields S = 1.92 10^41 kg m^2 s^-1 for the angular momentum of the Sun. We constrain it in a model-independent, dynamical way by using the gravitomagnetic Lense-Thirring effect predicted by general relativity for the orbit of a test particle moving around a central rotating body. The correction to the standard Einsteinian/Newtonian precession of the longitude of the perihelion $ of Mercury, recently inferred by a team of astronomers from a fit of dynamical models of the forces acting on the planets of the solar system to a long data record, amounts to 0.4 +/- 0.6 mas cty^-1. The modeled forces did not include the Lense-Thirring effect itself, which is expected to be as large as -2.0 mas cty^-1 for the perihelion of Mercury from helioseismological values of S?. By assuming the validity of general relativity, from its theoretical prediction for the gravitomagnetic perihelion precession of Mercury we infer S <= 0.57 10^41 kg m^2 s^-1. It disagrees with the currently available values from helioseismology. MESSENGER, in orbit around Mercury since March 2011, will collect data for about 1 year, while BepiColombo, to be launched in 2014, should reach Mercury in 2020 for a yearlong science phase: the analysis of their data will be important for the orbit determination of the innermost planet of the solar system. In any case, time to include the gravitomagnetic force of the Sun in the planetary force models has, perhaps, come right now.
View original: http://arxiv.org/abs/1112.4168

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